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A Thanks in Return
On this page is a photo of people having a good time at the Grace Lutheran Festival.And a letter of thanks to my family, I and many others that were part of the Community Festival of 2004. The appreciation is mutual.For allowing us to be part of that wonderful time.
We give many thanks to Rev. Manning and to the Grace Lutheran Church and Mark at Steves Shoes for inviting us.God Bless in Jesus Name!
Sincerely Alan,Dennis,(Mom Evelyn) & Family

Sharing is Caring
Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
1 Peter 5:7

A Gift For You (GRACE Lutheran Church)
December 2,2004

Dear Grace Wood Festival Supporters,

Please accept our sincere thanks for your support of our Grace Wood community Festival. Your participation enabled us to feed nearly 700 people that day. Enclosed are photos of some of the great times people had that day.
Our church continues to receive thanks and positive feedback about the festival.

This was our third annual Community Festival. Every year God blesses us with a BIGGER and better ever and wonderful weather. We praise God for His blessings just as we pray that He would be with you and your family for the Holiday Season and the coming New Year.

Thank you again so much for your kindness. You have touched many lives with your generosity for our Festival.

In Christ.
Rev.Gregory T.Manning

Pastor Grace Lutheran Church

The Land Of Opportunity

I hear people down America all the time. Some of these people are immigrants.

From one immigrant to another the story is pretty much the same no opportunity

in their native country.For some reason or another they come to America for opportunity or

a place of refuge from danger.If you look around you will see quite a few businesses either

owned or ran by immigrants. They have nice cars and own homes.Not to mention some are illegals.

One might say you get a little and you want more and if you don't get it all you just might get



I'd like to add this there are a lot of hard working and good immigrants that are

law abiding citizens. You see it's not the immigrants or America ,but what it is

is the (SYSTEM).

America is still a young country.We Do not claim to be perfect.We are hard working

and decent people. And we are still the land of milk and honey.

Be all you can be, become an American today.

United We Stand!

Sincerely Ringmaster Winchester